Hallie Condit, MSW, LICSW

Kirkland, Washington

(425) 462 2799


How To Survive A Divorce And Move On With Your Life

One out of every two marriages in America is failing.

Divorce is on the rise all the time.

Here are some insights to help you survive a divorce and live the rest of your life happily.

It may take sometime for you to go through the necessary healing that has to take place before you are able to recognize and enjoy happiness again.

Even so, the most important and the very first thing you must do following the break-up of any kind of relationship, is to get started on the rebuilding of your self-esteem.

This means that you have to accept the fact that neither you or anyone else is perfect - determine that you will learn from your mistakes - and that you will become whatever it is you aspire to be.

Immediately, do something that makes you feel good - something you've been wanted to do for some time - or always wanted to do.

This could be getting a new hair-style, buying a new suit, enrolling in a special self-improvement course, starting a new job or business, or even taking an extended vacation.

You may also relocate and move to another city.

Do not lock yourself in your house or apartment and keep brooding over the failed marriage.

Do not be afraid to get out and associate with people.

Do not stop enjoying life!

Continue your life with a stronger determination than ever, to be the person you want to be.

Do not "beat yourself over the head" with feelings of guilt.

Try to focus on the present and the future.

Revitalize those ambitions that have been "hidden away" in the back of your mind, and consider this particular time in your life as an opportunity for a new start.

Do some introspection relative to what it is you want out of life; reorganize your time and efforts to attain those objectives; and go for it with all you've got!

The way you feel about yourself has a strong reflection on the way you feel about others.

When things are not quite right, the first thing that needs to be changed is your disposition - your attitude, feelings towards other people, and your emotional responses.

Think about your facial expressions and the tone of your voice when you're talking with other people.

Being aware of these things with consideration towards other people, will "bring you out of your-self" and allow other people to want to know more about you.

You have the rest of your life from this moment on, to achieve love and happiness.

Try to think about what you want. Prepare yourself to get it and focus your efforts on the fulfillment of your ambitions.

The first thing relative to rebuilding one's self-esteem - following a divorce, or the loss of a loved one by any circumstances - is to understand why you hurt, and what is necessary in order to be happy again.

It is essential that you think of YOURSELF in terms of the kind of life you want for yourself. Know that you can have because you've laid the foundation, done your homework, and you're on a positive road towards achievement.

May these insights about life after divorce help you to find a new meaning in life and to move on and prosper and be happy.

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=I-key_Benney